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Artificial Intelligence, AI, is everywhere these days, penetrating every aspect of society. However, ensuring its practicality and productivity is a whole different ballgame. By seamlessly integrating our advanced AI solutions into your processes, organizations will unlock optimization opportunities and experience substantial performance enhancements.

Strikersoft has gathered all its AI projects and collaborations under one umbrella to promote the exchange of knowledge and develop new innovative solutions for our customers. Here you can read about the initiatives and hopefully get some inspiration on how AI can enhance your business. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information and discussions.


1. StorAIge

Storage is an EU-funded research project (Horizon 2020 programme) to develop "AI on the edge", i.e. give AI the opportunity to function at the end of the chain. There, demands are placed on local execution and low power consumption. It can e.g. be deep down in a mine where there is no coverage for data communications. Another example is in equipment for self-monitoring in a patient where there is a risk of power outages and interrupted communication during storms.



In addition to Strikersoft, the other Swedish participants are Atlas Copco, KTH and Uppsala University. As part of the project, Strikersoft is developing AI models to investigate and diagnose:

  • Atrial fibrillation 
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Sepsis

More information about StorAIge can be found here >>


2. Inovia AI - Chatbot

Inovia AI is a collaboration partner of Strikersoft in AI. Inovia AI develops various AI tools to analyze and act on large amounts of data, both via text and voice recognition. One of the products is an AI-powered virtual assistant for healthcare that is currently being integrated into SwipeCare.

One of the strengths of the collaboration is that Inovia's AI is integrated directly into the care processes in SwipeCare, so that the AI ​​tool becomes a natural part of the workflow for the care staff. No extra login, the same user interface that healthcare staff is used to, and you can see in the overview in SwipeCare where the AI ​​is in the process and what results it has generated.

Chatbot AI


The press release about the intensified cooperation between Strikersoft and Inovia AI (in Swedish) >>

For more information about Inovia AI >>


3. Healthcare demos

Strikersoft has developed a number of demos to show how AI could be integrated into the healthcare processes in SwipeCare.

Heart failure AI


Here is a demo of an AI-based prediction of potential coronary heart problems (Angiographic disease) based on XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting). XGBoost is a powerful and popular machine learning algorithm used for both regression and classification tasks. XGBoost uses a technique called gradient boosting that effectively combines multiple weak learning models, usually decision trees, to create a stronger and more robust model. The dataset comes from the Cleveland Heart Clinic, USA.

Another demo shows how a clinic could optimize visit bookings to minimize no-shows, i.e. the patient not showing up at their booked appointment. No-shows are a significant problem in healthcare, and some types of clinics have upwards of 20% - 25% no-shows.


4. Master Thesis Reports

Three students from the Master's program in Health Informatics at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University have done their master's theses around AI at Strikersoft in the spring of 2023.

  • Predict Sleep Apnea patient treatment through Machine Learning
  • Map adverse drug reactions to patient-reported symptoms using AI
  • Improving XAI Explanations for Clinical Decision-Making - Physicians' Perspective on Making the Presentation of Local Explainers and Counterfactual Explanations More Useful in Healthcare
KI and SU

More information will come when the students have submitted their Theses.


For more information about the Strikersoft AI Innovation Center or any of the projects, potential cooperations, or how AI can help improve your business, contact Fredrik Wångberg, Head of SAIIC, at